Serious mental health conditions often first appear when people are in their teens and early twenties. If left untreated, these brain disorders may result in great harm. Ending the Silence (ETS) is a 50-90-minute presentation NAMI volunteers make to educate students, parents, and teachers about the early signs of a mental health condition, how to get help, and tools that can be used to help safeguard mental health and well-being. In-person and on-line ETS presentations now available.

Presentations typically take place at schools, community events, and faith organizations. Presenters include an older adult, who explains how a mental condition has touched their life along with basic information on mental health conditions, and personal testimony from a young adult living with a mental health condition about their on-going journey to recovery. All presenters receive training in a 6-hour online course followed by an in-person workshop.

Virtual Ending the Silence presentations are available upon request. To request an online presentation, please fill out the form below or contact the office at or 734-994-6611.